A little about me:
Prior to my current roles, I have coordinated the ESL program at our Adult Education Center (AEC) of our School of Continuing Education located at SAC (SCE ESL website) and was Co-Chair (2019/2020) and Chair (2020/2021) of our SCE ESL Department. I have also been a Core and Executive Team Member of SAC's Guided Pathways, and Learning & Engagement Team as well as facilitating our pilot Equity Minded Teaching and Learning Institute in 2021/2022 and our second cohort in 2022/2023. Additionally, I was the Guided Pathways Coordinator of our School of Continuing Education from Fall 2018 to Spring 2022. I was also the Distance Education Coordinator for our SCE in the 2023/2024 academic year. I am dedicated to helping our students reach their educational goals and move through the pathways available throughout our SAC community.
I have been a specialist in English as a Second Language (ESL) since 1997 and am passionate about my ESL community having taught all levels of ESL in adult school and community college. I have extensive online teaching training and facilitation experience. With my specialization, I have participated in various curriculum-writing teams from adult school to community college. Because of my commitment to education, I have my doctorate in Educational Leadership with an emphasis in Teacher Education in Multicultural Societies focusing on teacher training and curriculum development from USC and my Preliminary Administrative Credential from National University. My dissertation focus was on globalization, STEM-PBL, and science fairs as a vehicle for acquisition of 21st-century skills. I aspire to be of service to the community of educators who are developing and empowering our future leaders.
Merari L. Weber, Ed.D.
Associate Professor/ESL
(Note: To access the PD Intranet, you need your username and password) Santa Ana College School of Continuing Ed.
Centennial Education Center, G-101-1
Languages Spoken: English and Spanish
Pronouns: She/her