Pillar IV - Ensure Learning:
Establish program-level learning outcomes aligned with the requirements for success in employment and further education in a given field and apply the results of learning outcomes assessment to improve the effectiveness of instruction across programs. Integrate group projects, internships, and other applied learning experiences to enhance instruction and student success in courses across programs of study. Ensure incorporation of effective teaching practice throughout the pathways
What is Santa Ana College doing to ensure students are learning?
Technology Integration
| Equity-Centered
| Student-Focused
| Interdisciplinary
| Campus-Wide Initiatives
Nuventive and Curriqunet integration
Connecting outcomes to program review
Curriculum development
Equity engagement - personal reflection, professional practice and policy implementation
Data-informed practices and responsiveness
Career Coaches and Learning & Engagement teams
Alignment of SLOs, PLOs and ILOs to Guided Pathways
Uses Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE) and Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) to assess institutional effectiveness
New Faculty Institute
Using student feedback to develop professional development opportunities
Works closely with student leaders to ensure student representation