Welcome to the Kinesiology Division Website!
The Mission of the Santa Ana College Kinesiology Division is to prepare students for degree attainment, transfer, or employment through the rigor of our degrees, certificates, and Intercollegiate Athletic programs. We empower all students with knowledge to make healthy lifestyle choices and competence in many movement-based skills through a diversified general education offering of health, fitness, and sport classes. We value partnerships with students, campus programs, and the business community that promote sport, physical activity, and skilled movement for optimum personal health and strong communities.
We invite you to explore the rewarding academic pathways of Kinesiology which are organized into 3 areas of emphasis:
The Athletics program gives student-athletes from the surrounding Santa Ana communities an opportunity to achieve their academic goals while competing for community college championships and preparing for the next level of competition.
The Health and Physical Education program seeks to enable all SAC students with knowledge and skills that facilitate making healthy lifestyle choices.
The Professional Studies program exposes students to the scientific study of human movement in preparation for transfer and careers in the multi-disciplinary field of Kinesiology.