CAR 101 Introduction to Academic Reading
Units: 3.0 Class Hours: 54.0 Lecture
Instruction toward students’ mastery of higher- level vocabulary, reading comprehension at the level of proficiency, critical evaluation of college-level text and improvement of reading rate.
Student Learning Outcomes
Identify the meanings of unfamiliar words, in general reading material, via structural analysis and contextual clues.
Analyze paragraphs by identifying the main idea as well as major and minor details.
Organize the relationships between ideas in an essay through graphic illustrations and outlining.
Critically read text to recognize and utilize clues given by the author in order to make inferences.
Critically read text to identify supporting details that will enable the reader to create implied main idea sentences.
Utilize transitional words to identify thought patterns in text, including cause and effect, comparison, contrast, etc.
Please watch the video to be sure this is the right class for you.