Online Writing Resources
Even while everyone is working and studying from home, the Learning Center has collected some useful links here so you can find the same kind of help provided by our in-person handouts any time you need it.
If you need help with Citing sources for your essay, the Library of the SAC can help you.
An online writing center for Purdue University that has all the answers to your potential questions about grammar, MLA, APA, and more!
The Writing Center at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has impressively compiled information about almost any aspect of writing you may come across in your classes. They even provide tips on non-academic writing like emails, resumes, and blogs.
MLA’s official website contains a section for Teaching Resources that contains handouts, activities, lesson plans, and slide shows so you can familiarize yourself with all aspects of MLA style and become your own teacher.
Just like MLA, the APA organization provides a lot of great handouts about the newest version of the style, which just changed its guidelines in fall 2019. Many of our APA handouts in the Learning Center are taken from this official site.
This resource at features sections that teach grammar “Terms” followed by “Exercises” to practice what you’ve learned. If your professor told you to improve some aspect of your grammar in your paper, this site can help you do that for free with a slightly cheesy sense of humor.
This is a more official online learning resource than Grammar Bytes, with instructional lessons and engaging video lectures followed by short practice quizzes and a star system that feels a little like you’re playing a simple video game. If you go back to the Arts and Humanities tab, you can also find interesting lessons for your history and art classes.
This lets you download a popular free app that lets you scan images from your phone and email them to yourselves as PDFs (you’ll just have to put up with watching occasional ads). This could be useful if you need to scan a paragraph for your professor or share something online with group partners that you have physically in front of you.
The Learning Center is now on YouTube! We’ve gathered our favorite videos about a variety of writing topics into handy playlists that should address many questions you didn’t even know you had. More to come soon...
Zoom Help
Some students have trouble understanding how to access Zoom or attend meetings hosted by teachers or tutors. We found some tutorial videos that explain the basics.
A few of the newer physical handouts we use in the Learning Center are available online as PDFs:
Integrating Quotes
Pronoun Usage (from Indian River State College’s Academic Support Center)
APA Formatting: Student Title Page
APA 7th Edition References
APA Sample Student Paper
More APA Resources
If you are still unclear on the changes between the previous and the newest versions of APA style, this explainer from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology offers colorful infographic to keep you up-to-date with the ever-evolving format used widely across psychology, sociology, and other scientific disciplines.
The fact-checking sites specialize in debunking claims and providing objective, researched analysis.