EMLS Department Chair
EMLS courses offered by the English and EMLS Department are designed to help bilingual, multilingual, and non-native speakers of English to improve their writing skills before they enroll in English 101, Freshman Composition. These courses provide practice in areas such as vocabulary development, advanced sentence construction, writing fluency, and paragraph and essay development.
Students who took ELD classes in high school and were mainstreamed into regular English classes in their senior year should take the TELD test (Test of English Language Development) to determine their college placement.
Students enrolled in ESL/EMLS courses should also enroll at the same time in a Reading class and possibly a pronunciation class to improve their English skills faster.
Many high school graduates who take the TELD test are placed into EMLS 109, which is three levels below English 101 and at the same level as English N50. EMLS 109, like all the EMLS courses, focuses on writing problems faced by bilingual and non-native speakers of English.
EMLS 107 through EMLS 112, unlike English N60 and 061, are transferable to some California State University campuses as electives.